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Heartland Institute Press Conference Before Vatican's 2015 Climate Summit
Marc Morano - Rome “Prebuttal” Press Conference, April 27, 2015
Elizabeth Yore, J.D. - Rome Presentation, April 28, 2015
Marc Morano - Rome Presentation, April 28, 2015
Tom Sheahen, Ph.D. - Rome Presentation, April 28, 2015
Hal Doiron - Rome Presentation, April 28, 2015
Special Heartland Briefing of COP-21
Lord Christopher Monckton - Rome Presentation, April 28, 2015
PARIS COP-21: Day of Examining the Data with The Heartland Institute, CFACT, and CEI
Marc Morano, ICCC10 (Panel 14: Action Items for Policymakers)
ICCC-12 Panel 1A Q&A "Environmental Economics"
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